We all associate mosquito bite to nuisance of pain, swelling and itchiness. However, mosquitoes can with their bite can carry something far more serious.

The West Nile Virus

The west Nile virus causes a heavy infectious disease with a clinical feature of inflammation of the brain, therefore it requires long term treatment. Mosquitoes with their bite carry malaria, yellow and denga fever, although these diseases have not been yet recorded in our premises.

Ticks are always unpleasant, even when their bite doesn’t carry diseases. Infected ticks are carriers of very serious diseases, and in our area the most famous one is the LYME disease. That is an infectious ailment which affects the skin, nervous system and ankles, therefore it requires very serious treatment. Humans can also be carriers of the Lyme disease through body fluids. Less prevalent with us, but equally dangerous are ticks that carry Tick-borne encephalitis, and ticks that carry hemorrhagic fever. They are located in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia, and this disease can also be transmitted from human to human.